favours US, favors [
Associated concepts: challenge to the favor, favored . grant favors to, gratify, help, make easier, prefer, . favoring circumstance
--are-are-begin-butylether-de-vie-did-do-eize-enable-ensure-exist-give-go-had-has-have-ize-locate-see-speak-was-were a-apologise a-b-a-beat a-beg a-bloody-men
!exclamation-point,comma.period?question-mark a a's a. a.'s aa aachen aah aalborg aaliyah aamodt aardvark aarhus aaron aaron's ab ababa abacha aback abacus favored, favoring, favors, favour, favoured, favouring, favours abad abalone
Favour, Favor: Favours, Favors: Favoured, Favored: Favouring, Favoring: Flavour, Flavor: Flavours, Flavors: Flavoured, Flavored: Flavouring, Flavoring: Flautist, Flutist
. favored; favoring; favors; favour; favoured; favouring; favours; prefer; preferred; preferring; to affect; to favour; to prefer
favored favorer favorers favoring favorite favorites favoritism favoritisms favors favour favoured favourer favourers favouring favours favus favuses overfavor
ill-favored; ill-favoured; find favour wit..
favour; favored; party favors; well-favored; ill-favored .
favored favorer . favors favour favourability . favoured favouring
favored. favoring. favorite. favorites. favoritism. favoritisms. favors. favour. favoured. favouring. favours. fawn. fawned. fawner. fawners. fawnest. fawning. fawns. fax. faxed. faxes
. favour fear feather feeble feed feel fertile few field fight figure file fill film final finance find fine finish fire first fish fit five flame flat flight floor flower fly fold follow food foolish foot for force .
ill-favored; ill-favoured; find favour wit..
Favor, Favour, (see spelling differences) or Favors, may refer to: Party favor, a small gift given to the guests at a party; Wedding favors, small gifts given as a gesture of .
well-favored; ill-favored; ill-favoured; find favour wit.. .
favoured favored (US) [
favored favorer favorers favoring favorite favorites favoritism favoritisms favors favour favoured favourer favourers favouring favours favus favuses. List all words starting with fav sorted by favored, favoring, favors, favour, favoured, favouring, favours .
0,0,0 0,0184+/-0,0259 0,0315+/-0,0372 0,0577+/-0,0436 0,2,4,6,8 0-<5 0-->10 0-1.8 0-35.9 0-4.8 0-400mumol/l 0-5.5 0-i-ii 0-vessel 0.0%-14.7 0.0%-31.1 0.0%-40.8
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