Here are twelve technology related pick-up lines that show any potential mate you are keeping up with current trends. 1. Myspace or yours? 2. Excuse me can I have your .
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Corny Pick Up Lines. There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you. Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes.
Pickup (music technology), an electromagnetic device which detects vibrations from a . Pick-up line, intended to be short and easy method of engaging another person for sex .
. Poetry, Photography, Friends, Literature, Leadership, Learning, Technology, Maniac . 5 Responses to 100 Funny Lines To Pick Up As Per The Situation. Pingback: Tweets that .
9 Dirty Tricks: Social Engineers' Favorite Pick-Up Lines . new door for social engineering scams, according to Graham Cluley, senior technology .
. All Forbes Lists Business Opinions Investing Technology . The pickup line: a main ingredient in human . Recent research backs him up: A study by .
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